piątek, 28 września 2012

description of the project

My collection

The project aims at the awareness that although they live in different countries, students have common concerns of their age. They collect the same types of objects with that can make exchanges after they see the presentations made. So they can know each other, can make friends using foreign languages taught in school.
informatyka/ICT, przedmiot interdyscyplinarny, przedmioty przedszkolne, przedmioty w szkole podstawowej
Wiek ucznia:
6 - 14
Proponowane narzędzia :
Czat , Dziennik projektu, e-mail , Forum , Inne programy (Powerpoint, wideo, zdjęcia i obrazy) , MP3, TwinSpace
- to use English in different contexts;
- to use various educational ICT tools;
- to work in cooperation and collaboration with of other schools;
- to learn about other cultures and life styles.
Postęp działań:
In September we present schools, city, country. Also we establish collections pages. The students will make presentations. Items collected will be numbered. Students who have the duplicates can exchange with partners. Together we will decides a common collection (with small items as napkins). Each partner will send items (5-10). They will be labeled with country name and serial number. We will send what I got plus the receiving country objects. For example, Romania sends to Poland five objects. Poland will add five objects envelope and send for the next partner and so on. In finaly, the package will return home where it started. This is a common collection for an exhibition.
Oczekiwane rezultaty:
Improved knowledge of the English language as well as improved ICT skills. Improved skills of cooperation, collaboration, and expansion of the pupils' horizon. An exhibition with common collection will be the final product of the project.

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